Alphonso Mango is a unique variety of Mango that is grown in India and is known world over. This variety gained its name from its Portugese cultivator Afonso de Alburquerque who was extremely passioante about growing this Mango through grafting. It is one of the most expensive variety of Mangoes on the planet and is widely grown in the western parts of India. Today Mangoes have become synonymous with Alphonso due to its immaculate taste and quality.
NOTE: Each Mango will be checked individually before packing and they were found good (externally). We will be doing everything possible to the best of our abilities, which including sourcing from the right supplier, physical checking of mangoes and packing them so that there are little chances for damages in transit. All these were done to ensure that you get the best of the mangoes from Aha Bazaar.
Hence no returns / refunds please.
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